Νέα έκδοση: “Asking questions with the Zapatistas: Reflections from Greece” (e-book pdf)


(ENG BELOW) Τρεις συντάκτες και συνεργάτες του Αυτολεξεί μόλις κυκλοφόρησαν το αγγλόφωνο e-book για την έμπνευση και την προοπτική που προσφέρει το Ζαπατιστικό παράδειγμα στην ελληνική και ευρωπαϊκή γεωγραφία. Το βιβλίο είναι μέρος της ισπανόφωνης σειράς “Al faro Zapatista” που αποτελείται από 28 βιβλιαράκια, όσα και τα χρόνια της επανάστασης των Ζαπατίστας – ένα από κάθε ξεχωριστή χώρα, με αφορμή το ταξίδι τους στην Ευρώπη. Η ιδέα και η πρώτη έκδοση υλοποιήθηκε στα ισπανικά από την Cooperative Editorial Retos, την Cátedra Jorge Alonso, το Universidad de Guadalajara και το Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales το 2022. Ελπίζουμε οι αναγνώστες-στριες αυτού του μικρού βιβλίου να βρουν σημεία σύμπλευσης της προοπτικής που ανοίγει η πολιτειακή οργάνωση των Ζαπατίστας. Όπως θα δείτε, στο βιβλίο παρουσιάζονται κάποιες θετικές διαπιστώσεις αλλά και κάποιες δυσκολίες «μετάφρασης» του ζαπατισμού στο τοπικό σημασιακό μας πλαίσιο!

We present to you the new publication from TRISE, entitled Asking questions with the Zapatistas: Reflections from Greece on our Civilizational Impasse, authored by TRISE members Theodoros Karyotis, Ioanna-Maria Maravelidi, and Yavor Tarinski.

Editor: Matthew Little | Cover: Apollon Petropoulos | Design: George Chelebiev

Publisher: Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) | Year: 2022

→ REVIEW on the book by Matthew Quest HERE: Asking Questions With The Zapatistas: Greek Activists Think About the Future of Politics and Civilization

→ Downloaded from HERE for free

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In their collextive text, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski reflect on the arrival of the Zapatista delegation from the point of view of the European, and in particular Greek, grassroots movements. They ponder the historical and current importance of Zapatismo and its influence on the development of political contestation in Europe and in Greece. The authors attempt to highlight the aspects of Zapatismo that have contributed to movement theory and praxis and have provided inspiration for generations of activists and collectives. They also enumerate other political projects that resonate and enmesh with Zapatismo to produce novel emancipatory practices. The authors attempt at examining the obstacles and pitfalls in ‘translating’ the Zapatista experience to European urban contexts. Finally, Karyotis, Maravelidi, and Tarinski explore some of the paths that may lead us forward in the pursuit of social emancipation.

This book is the extended English-language original of the Spanish-language pocketbook Preguntando con los zapatistas. Reflexiones desde Grecia sobre nuestro impasse civilizatorio, published in Spanish by Cooperative Editorial Retos, Cátedra Jorge Alonso, Universidad de Guadalajara, and Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales in 2022.

It is part of the 28-pocketbook collection “Al Faro Zapatista” in commemoration of more than 500 years of resistance, 28 years of public life, and the Journey for Life!


Theodoros Karyotis is a sociologist, researcher, and translator. He has been an active participant in self-organised urban movements for more than two decades. Karyotis writes frequently in Greek, Spanish and English on current political issues from the perspective of the commons, self-management, ecology, solidarity economy and social movements. He also translates relevant books and articles. Currently, he is conducting research with the University of Ghent, Belgium, on the property regime in Greece and its effects on the access to housing.

Ioanna-Maria Maravelidi is a graduate of the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Ioannina. She works in the field of editing and proofreading. Maravelidi lives and works in Athens. She is actively involved in horizontal and self-organised projects in Greece and the Balkan region. She is a member of the editorial team of the libertarian journal Aftoleksi; of the advisory council of the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE) and of the political group Aftenergia. She is interested in the ideas of autonomy, direct democracy, and social ecology.

Yavor Tarinski is an author, political activist and independent researcher from Sofia, Bulgaria. He currently resides in Athens, Greece. Actively participates in social movements around the Balkans. He is co-founder of the Greek libertarian journal Aftoleksi; a member of the administrative board of the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE); and a bibliographer at Agora International. He is the author of several books focused on direct democracy, autonomy, and social ecology. His works have been published in various languages. Personal blog: towardsautonomyblog.wordpress.com

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